Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Marxism is a political practice and social theory based on the works of Karl Marx.

Marx argues that capitalism is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by exploiting workers. Examples are 'sweat shops', where workers have to work in slave like conditions and provide cheap labour for products that are then sold on for much more money.

Capitalist society is divided into two groups:

the working class (proletariat) who sell their labour and dont own the means of production.

the middle to higher classes: (bourgeosie) who own the means of production and employ the proletariat. However within the bourgeosie are two sub groups: the wealthy bourgeosie who do not also need to work themselves and the petty bourgeosie who employ others, but must also work themselves.

Adorno - 'Culture indistries'

Bigger audiences because of the profit motive, therefore the media institutions construct texts intended to generate mass audiences, by dumbing down thier output so it can appeal to all.

Mass media are seen as a way of entertaining the works whilst also drip feeding them ideologies and beliefs.


Ideological state appuratuses (ISAs), which work alongside the Repressive State Appuratuses(military, police, etc) to maintain the bourgoesie ideologies.

Religion, Education, Family, Legal and political system, Political system and Cutural and communications system.

To a certain extent these all interpellate an audience (position the audience in such a way that they presume that these ideologies are correct).


Hegemony - the dominance of ideologies of the ruling class, with all the beliefs and values that they incorporate. The hegemeonies influcence is so powerful their values and ideologies become common sense within the majority of the population, allowing them to be overlooked and maintaining the ruling classes hegemonic control.

Eisenstein and montage

Comdemned narrative structure, as a soviet film maker in the 1920s and believed capitalist propoganda and ideologies were being portrayed through fim makers i.e. camera angles being used to give power to important characters etc. He elimated one single protagonist and constantly used montage to remove any emotional connection ebtween the audience and the film, ensuring the audience are never lulled into believing that they are watching something that is real.


Low culture - Suitable for workers i.e. cinema and tv shows, the more popular but less socially sophisticated forms of entertainment.

High culture - Theratre, Opera and Ballet, for the bourgeosie, the less popular but more sophisticated choice of entertainment.


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